Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sister, the narrator, who is also a protagonist, begins her story when her younger sister, Stella-Rondo, comes back home after separating from her husband – Mr. Whitaker. Stella brings with her a child, Shirley-T. and despite a great resemblance to Papa-Daddy (grandfather of Sister and Stella-Rondo) she claims the girl is adopted. Sister does not believe her and that begins a series of quarrels between the siblings, whose relationship has been tough since Stella caused Sister's and Mr. Whitaker's breakup and married the man. Later that day, Stella lies to Papa-Daddy about Sister suggesting that he should shave his beard, to which he is very devoted. That causes a tension between him and his granddaughter. Then Uncle Rondo enters the house and borrows Stella's negligee, which makes her comment upon his look to Sister. A while later the sisters have another argument concerning Shirley-T. – Sister claims that a girl cannot speak, which angers Stella and also makes Mama upset. Mother even suggests that Sister should apologize to Stella, but she refuses and quarrels with Mama. As a result, Stella convinces Uncle Rondo that Sister suggested that he looks like a fool in her pink kimono. This lie aggravates the uncle; he believes that Sister really vilified him and that makes him mad at her. As everyone in the house is angry with Sister because of Stella-Rondo's lies, she leaves her home and moves to the post office, where she works.

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