Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Footprints of a writer...

Wannabe writers must understand one thing that you don't learn writing from some Creative Writing book or workshop -- It's about questioning your honesty -- It's being skeptical about your morality -- You've to have sagely temperament -- Loftiness -- Unimpeachable character -- Truthfulness -- That's why I'd NEVER become a writer -- Writing is a a two-way process -- It prompts your readers to re-evaluate themselves -- their value system -- At the same time -- It triggers a sort of metamorphic process in you -- It's about soul-searching -- It's self-criticism -- You don't patronize anyone -- It's not a fault-finding exercise -- It's self-ridicule -- I'm NOT fortunate like Lazarus -- Yep, I'd be restored to life -- BUT in the hereafter -- NOT in this world. My existence on this earth is finite BUT I want to leave my footprints -- in spite of -- frailties -- I believe in a brave new world -- and I sincerely try to do my bit.

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