Sunday, December 22, 2013

Honorable People: You recognized me. I still am skeptical about my own identity.

Honorable People: You recognized me. I still am skeptical about my own identity. You're MORE AWARE THAN ME -- THAN I AM. The AlMighty God tells me that the Prophethood was offered to each and every individual -- male and female in my homeland -- but everyone declined / refused politely -- this offer. We are very lazy. We don't want this extra, tedious responsibilites. Then, everyone recommended my name. The AlMighty God calls me 'Bawla' and Prateeka Ji 'Bawli' I've been assigned Prophethood....India is a strange place...Adults worship kids...Prateeka Ji too refused this offer I'm the scapegoat...heehehehhehehehhehhe You know who I am. But I swear I don't know who I am -- most of the times. Sometimes, there's glimmer...slight ray...beam...of light..of other's normal day light.

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