Monday, November 4, 2024
Who is a true religious leader in these modern times?
When you don't Lilliputian-ize someone to Brobdingnagian-ize yourself -- When your conscience is throbbing -- When you don't mock someone -- When you don't ridicule someone -- When you treat even your worst foes with ample respect and dignity -- When you take great pride in being just a shepherd -- I believe -- (forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong) -- Most of the Prophets (peace and blessings of God be upon them) were Shepherds -- "Being the good shepherd means going out into the night, to search for the one sheep who is lost, when all the ninety-nine others are safe home." -- Like Doctors Without Borders -- When you love people irrespective of their creed, race, religion, gender, or political affiliation -- When you invoke the Leader in 'em -- When you help 'em catapult themselves to be a greater person than you in all respects -- When your ego is almost nil -- When you're very kind towards all creatures of God -- When your idealism is thriving like never before -- When a leper doesn't repulse you -- When you don't sit on a pedestal and deride anyone -- scorn your rivals -- When you don't have myopia -- Then you become a true religious leader -- When you're NOT frothing at the mouth giving nothing but hatemongering and contemptuous and bitter sermons -- Then you become a religious beacon -- Then you become a Lighthouse Keeper -- Then people will have real reverence for you -- but then you don't want to be revered -- you don't want fervent followers -- you want a happy, prosperous and peaceful community, country and world.
To be continued....
Posted by Maqsood Qureshi at 9:33 PM