Tuesday, February 23, 2021



Monday, February 22, 2021


abbreviation for activities of daily living: the basic activities that people need to be able to do in order to take care of themselves, for example, getting in and out of bed, getting dressed, and eating:

How quickly ADLs are regained after a stroke varies from person to person.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

10000 foot view

 a description or view of a situation or problem that provides very general information, but no details


a person who is or seems to be interested in a subject, but whose understanding of it is not very deep or serious

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

explicit knowledge

knowledge that can be expressed in words, numbers, and symbols and stored in books, computers, etc.

implicit bias

 Definition of implicit bias

: a bias or prejudice that is present but not consciously held or recognized

These studies reveal that students, nurses, doctors, police officers, employment recruiters, and many others exhibit implicit biases with respect to race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, social status, and other distinctions.

— J. T. Jost et al.

"Research shows that the majority of people have an implicit bias that associates science and technology with gender, so from a very young age, girls are not encouraged to pursue these careers," she [Caroline Simard] said.

— Claire Cain Miller

tacit knowledge / implicit knowledge

knowledge that you do not get from being taught, or from books, etc. but get from personal experience, for example when working in a particular organization