Thursday, September 8, 2022

Stream of consciousness / monologue :(

I saw her for the first time

A few gold pennies and silver dime

Soaring seagulls and murmuring sunshine

A girl like her -- hard to find

Bright eyes and brilliant mind

It's just a regular day -- a typical day -- Suddenly I saw her -- I chit-chatted with her -- brief conversation -- From then on -- I waited for her everyday -- E-mailed her -- Tried hard NOT to spam her -- She gave me her E-mail address -- I lurked around on Facebook -- She told me she's a Blogger as well -- She drew with such finesse and dexterity --  She's very pretty I noticed that -- She E-mailed me only once -- maybe someone nudged her -- I'm notorious -- I was like this's nothing but my Ideological Soul mate Syndrome -- It's been so many years since I met her -- I still wait for her E-mail -- It's Destiny, I know -- 

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