Friday, April 7, 2017

A fairtale princess that flies on a broomstick -- I just happened to bump into....

hey presto

a ponytailed girl with bun

hairdos of a girl -- more apt but rather eerie word for it is coiffure -- derived from French -- coiffeur refers to a man who works as a hairdresser -- coiffeuse is its female equivalent -- shortened form of coif is coiffure.

She comes across as an easygoing person -- who's not really into those metrosexual sissies -- those who spend more time with their hairdresssers getting their perfect dose of manicure and if time permits pedicure, too -- she loves me in these flip–flop -- blabbing excitedy is that sounds like muted, squelched shrieks of preteens gossithrougping oblivious of everyone around 'em -- than his love interest -- someone I believe who is loud about it and unafraid to tell everyone around that Look! I really .... vehemently shun those warped clones of Arnold Schwarzenegger -- Grotesquely beefed up -- oversized bodies -- who struggle to spell intelligence quotient -- you know, those guys who zig-zag recklessly -- their only passport to self-professed machismo -- and blare, honk and beep their preowned cars' China-made cheap horns in barely-readble marked designated No-Honk-Zones -- that no one around to enforce those serious traffic violations -- that make her go into this self-induced tizzy that often result into asphyxia-like dunno -- whatever -- she stares at every guy as if she's spotted him on FBI's Top Ten Wanted -- A type of girl who prefers to take the staircase if her girlie insticts feels even a wee bit slighty fishy -- She's this uncanny ability to smell a rat from a mile or two -- She ain't paranoid -- she's street savvy -- narcissism in a guy is her bugbear --

That's all -- I guess. I saw her for a few Nano -- Micro seconds. My Science Of Deduction blah blah blah. My Holmesian Logic blah blah blah is directly propotional to visual cues / inputs. Moreover, you could never be presumptive about girls -- they are so whacky -- hilariously unpredictable -- they're hardwired like that -- We've An EPROM or erasable programmable read-only memory -- they're ROM only -- Manual says these Humanoids could be upgraded but I never met anyone barely surpassing 64k -- But one thing for sure, she's real. No Mixed-Fruit or Aloe vera face masks. A quick, loose pun in a jiffy -- grab a HotDog -- without being picky choosy -- fussy about its fillings -- and, holler a bye to Mom and fret out of the door -- a collegian -- who finds the babbling chirpy birds annoying -- prenupital amorous dances of birdlings make her blush -- but her eyes keep darting back to the uncensored nature of things on the lush greens of her college lawn -- her Prof. looks at her and if dunno then he says let's break for tea with a yawn.

Maybe, Dunno. Someday....I'd love to have tea with her in a nearby shack -- browse those lazily -- brown covers after gross procrastination and repeated rebukes by her mother -- I won't call 'em unkempt -- but dunno -- her books -- her shorthand-ish writings -- slants -- Zeroes -- Os -- Punctuation marks -- darts and arrows -- gosh stop its -- he's a moron -- those online secret diaries passwords -- her idea of strong DOD standard grade encryption is her dunno whatever -- I'd ask her -- pointblank without any formal premise did you ever listen to that funky jazzy song where did you come from where did you go -- what's your name huh -- you don't believe in formal or semi-formal introductions -- ice breakers -- appropriate greetings -- Nope. My name is Tunnel Rat. I think, I'd be going. I really gotta go. Goosebumps. Pin and Needles. Ya, Yeah you creep -- giving me a fright --

A coffee person. But no qualms if you order tea --

You won't feel really that self-conscious -- your male chauvinistic false-pride isn't really injured or wonduded or bruised -- if you go Dutch or she pays for you two -- Sandwiches -- tea -- she lets you smoke -- you don't have to go into those NRT Nicotine Replacement Therapay Chewing Gums - justifications and denials and all that -- you sit there with her -- watching the vehicular traffic -- the pedestrian stampede -- she makes you wobbly-feet -- your teeth-chatter -- it's mid-afternoon -- and you're having bruch with her -- Summer -- early or otherwise -- an Indian summer is always merciless -- dunno -- there's no one else -- no one around -- she ain't vitual at least -- she ain't volatile -- and, yep she doesn't seem like a girl with proverbial mercurial temper and unjustified temper tantrums -- you're conscious around her -- all of a sudden you feel so Lillipution-ish -- so pgymish -- so aware of all your erroreneous zones -- bad decisions personal and professional -- Dunno -- I saw her -- just now -- for the very first time -- and I felt like keying-in this Blog post -- I know that she doesn't even know that I exist -- but at the same time she ain't some figment of my imagination either -- she's real -- and, I'm not spectral either -- but this whole thing is so surreal -- that's realy real for sure.
Movies dunno but her place dunno foreign language film -- of course, she retains the control of the remote control throught the -- homemade Popcorns -- some real badly burnt -- ewww -- what, nothing -- Pizza surprisngly comes on time -- she trusts me -- aint that that obvious you moron my Poltergeist-like conscience retorts -- I nod -- she looks at me from the corner of her eye -- this guy is real freaky freak -- God know what I'm doing with him -- looks real starved -- poor chap -- Dunno -- asks from extra cheese -- I hate these errands -- tells me about tactile marks something on phone keypads computer keyboards and remote controls -- maybe a solar-powered remote control -- this Einstein or FRankesntein avatar -- I just make an excuse and on some pretext go into the kitchenette turn on the tap at max. and find myself laughing -- laughing my headoff....damn, he's channel surfing -- hope won't fidget with my Laptop -- I should go -- that boring huh? No...I justed to raise the volume level. LOL

My Bubble-Thinker Cap: Says he's geek and that alpha and all -- freak -- all my savings poof into thin air in a fit of bad decision that's of wait a minute what did he blurted out nonserious informal chitchat while watching telly games on a telly lol powwow or wowpow something real scarecrowish kind maybe he works in some farm I wont be surprised if someday I happen to passby and he stating in a FBI Freeze like posture amidst weeds and all crows on his head and dunno and this glutton doesnt give a damn -- parasite no wait leech -- and all that --

I don't mind chatting with you online. Yeah. Tell me about your Old School BBS serendipities and occult and meetings with the third kind second contacts oh sorry encounters with this that -- land rush -- and all that -- it's my summer break -- and you don't really have a serious vocation even with your dubious vocational certs so why not let's chitchat tell me about your haching prowess escapades and this adventure that misadventure fiasco blunders all that yeah yeah I'm not kidding -- not really -- sarcastic no no not at all -- you want some more pizza cheese huh? LOL LOL On second thoughts: Tea for two. Quick. Lipton preferred. Two door or mono door fridge eh? Oh God -- get dunno -- where did you park your personal carrier flying saucer solar powered eh or kinetic energy or dunno fossil fuel aviation fuel you fool go get it yourself and bring me some water two ice cubes check square or rectangle or mad angle okay go you endangered dunno damn go. Okay, vrooming....slowfoodtely..wait can I check Google maps on your Gray Clone pretty intimating Main Framish Brute Brutish Gadgetry Hoarder you eh? what for directions land marks to your kitchen vfr rules or instrument flight single engine or multi night time flying first time solo-ing that's why....

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