Friday, April 7, 2017

2,000 years-old lie

The 100th Monkey -- An exploratitive heuritics-based approach to understand it -- Here we go:

A rare plural of phenomenon is phenomenons -- Orthodoxs stick to conventions -- phenomena.

A story about social change by Ken Keyes, Jr. I put excerpts of his book on my Blog zillions of ages ago.

The key to understand Keyes, Junior's findings et cetra is to try and listen to him. In a rather less stuffy -- a bit more quiet Telly room with the green-eyed monster-like inquisitiveness --  at least, put the Telly on mute. We're brainstorming the paranormal phenomenons! Yep, then what eh? Go ask your Physics Miss about the rationality and absurdity of Levitation -- Carpet Bomb-bard your Physics Dept. with Nukes and Napalms -- Rapid-Fire questions --

Some 1,800 years later, in late 16th-century Italy, the young scientist and mathematician Galileo Galilei questioned Aristotle's theories of falling objects. He even performed several experiments to test Aristotle's theories. As legend has it, in 1589 Galileo stood on a balcony near the top of the Tower of Pisa and dropped two balls that were the same size but had different densities. Although there is debate about whether this actually happened, the story emphasizes the importance of using experimentation to test scientific theories, even ones that had been accepted for nearly 2,000 years.

Doesn't this tell us that that for not less than 2k years we believed in erroeneous theories of one person -- we hero-worshipped him -- and and spun a web of cult-dom around him. Doesn't this also tell us to be skeptical about: A Skeptical Manifesto -- Incorrigible skeptics like Michael Shermer. Science is human-generated knowledge prone to human error. Religion is divine. Our religious scriptures are undoubtedly for Believers who don't doubt anything except Divine Revealations. How many of us Diabloic enough -- Satanist enough -- Satan Worshipper enough to doubt, deny or superimpose our finite knowledge whose acquisition processes themselves are seriously questionable -- dubitable -- our E = mc 2 scientific trailblazers -- our avant gardists -- Seriously, how many of us can figure out what E = mc 2 actually mean or denote? Why didn't he tell us a little rudimentary facts about Venus FlyTrap and its man-eater-ish devilish innate nature -- for instance? Eh? We live in a cocoon of I don't know what -- always waiting for a Selfless Messiah to unshackle us of our doomed carnivorous creepers-like Destiny's strangluation -- Doesn't this explain our obstinate headstrong bullheadish obsessions with all types of celeberities: Media Moguls to Celebrity Scribes -- We want to be like 'em -- A bit taller -- a wee bit fairer -- More IQ -- Yep, just a wee bit-ish more of EQ -- so on so forth -- mirage -- the hereditorial masochism of stalking mirages -- a perpetual -- foolhardishly resilent quest for El Dorados -- Always placing more trust in others than in our own intuition -- sometimes it takes the form of some gigantic institution and sometimes it's this revolutionary leader of the deprived masses -- A flock of sheep like poor souls -- wronged souls -- always waiting -- hoping for a Sherpherd to come to their rescue -- to intervene with his Divine vested powers et cetra -- from the wolves of poverty or the hyenas of this and that -- on and on --so forth -- sometimes He or She Or Them -- Betrays us -- Or vice vera -- but we're so gullible so helpless that we always often -- at least the majority of us -- believe in trusting again -- someone who is more slick with words -- a wordsmith -- a con man in the garb of our saviour -- 

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