Monday, July 10, 2023

Jemima gold-digger-er-ahem-Goldsmith is blue-eyed and true-blue of real blue blood! Who's your blues singer Jemima Ji eh? LOL ROFL By the way, have you ever visited India? So what've you been doing lately? I'm your next door neighbor! Good-neighbor, trust me! LOL You'd call me Archie! But are you Betty or Veronica? LOL ROFL Just goofing around with you! Your name is derived from the Bible! No wonder you're a God-fearing soul. I strongly urge you to do some docu films et cetera in India about common sociopolitical issues / grassroots problems in India and Pakistan. :-) And, perhaps--maybe a zippy, zappy interview with a Hunchbacked Whirling Dervish like me? Just kidding! I don't hobnob in the corridors of power unlike someone you knew real well for a really long time! LOL Sniping at you. What else eh? I was just listening to Fatima Bhutto: Pakistan on the verge of extinction-er-ahem-nervous breakdown--Tsk! Tsk! Insightful though, I must admit. That's all for now. Bye. God bless! :-)


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