Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hello! This is Prince of Persia! Is that really you eh Miss....What's your name? You sent me a SOS mean Distress Signal.....Where're you right now eh? Your exact location? Please turn on your radio beacon....Is an evil, tyrant vizier keeping you in a dungeon? I'm your knight in shining armor....don't let 'em give you a fright....LOL ROFL Just goofing around with you ma''re a girl who shuns beauty pageants....perhaps you raise the dead with your big, bright, starry surreal eyes and hypnotic voice....BTW, why did you leave your native place so hurriedly: Venus? You're so brainy you know....You've this girlishness in your voice and angelic innocence on your speak impeccably chaste Persian....obviously duh....BTW, you know my last girlfriend was from Iran....we ended amicably.... she'd a very difficult, unpronounceable Persian name...Of course...duh.....but I still remember her....she's like you...your doppelganger...believe me...I met her in Kish remind me of her.....anyways, still making super bright whizzes, astrophysicists and nuclear scientists feel like brain dead zombies? LOL ROFL I'm so terribly sorry...I lost my flair and tempo...Wish I'd do justice to you....I mean...there're no such such words write about someone like no offence okay....don't get mad at me.....and don't get me wrong....I've many Iranian friends India.....I love you guys so much....And of course I'm crazy about you. Bye for now. Your comrade-in-arms: Hunchbacked Whirling Dervish! :-) One more thing: Please feel free to page me IF any evil creature DARES to bother you again. :-) LOL ROFL Just kidding. I NEVER say good-bye because there's no word for good-bye in Navajo. :-)


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