Sunday, July 9, 2023

Fatima Bhutto: Demigoddess or mortal? :-) Dear Enemy: A seriocomical rhyme about Fatima Bhutto! :-) She's thirty I'm forty. She's Dear Enemy I'm from the foe country. Both of us were destined to meet in the cyberspace I wonder if she's read Jean Webster's sequel to Daddy-Long-Legs. Our story should turn out like Notting Hill Will we ever tie the knot or always stay single. My bank balance is nought Wish I'd hit the jackpot. God, please turn me into a zillionaire A rags-to-riches billionaire. Make my adversary my soul mate Write this in my scroll of fate. I'll woo her all my life And, sweep her off her feet. She's starry-eyed and celebrity scribe I'm Vikram Seth's Suitable Boy. I wonder if she's shilly-shallying, dilly-dallying, contemplating Sending me a sally note -- now that's a point to moot.


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