Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Genie Who Knows How To Get Out Of The Letter-in-a-Bottle kind of Labyrinthine Maze. Chase. The Fun is in the Chase. I-Ching. To My Honorable Chinese Sword Sensei Who Helped Me Learn About Drona Acharya. My Homage. His sign is Eklavya's Guru Dakshina. I didn't and could never sum up the courage to visit his Dojo again. Then at that time after elapse of zillions of I Light Years or so His apparition visited me and gave me a Sword Not just a Sword but a Noble Sword of our Ancient Chinese Senseis and a Shield of Faith. And, helped me to learn the First Kata of Sword Cosmic Dance The Fire Dragon Not granting permission to elaborate more and Asking me to say pay my respects to my friend and guru Reza for taking me to his Dojo. First time in the stadium after approval then the dojo.

Never heard of Mary W. Shelley. Imperial Highness something eh? Greek Mythological or Roman Nymph Or Some This That Houri from This That unheard of make-believe parallel world. Nope, idiot -- she's a writer. Writer? Not an author? By the way, what do you call that mental exercise cartoon-isn caricaturish things in the newspapers or childrens' magazines -- Spot the Differences -- and If I remember correctly usually six or so -- why six and so -- juxtaposed-format only brain teaser that kept kiddos like me engaged for a few minutes -- My question is what do you call that thing -- who started it and why -- an exercise in futility -- any solemn critics on that kind of I dunno -- approach to help kids learn problem-solving -- what's the purpose of it -- nothing about the origin of it -- you always know what I'm getting at -- don't you -- yeah, I guess so -- so look it up -- oogle er drat ahem Google -- Yahoo! conked out -- Jungle laws at work -- This poor chap what's his name Darwin something always got his theories wrong -- I'm so glad he never hyphothesized about women -- like that Sigmund Feud Pervy guy -- I know you -- where am I -- damn, she always proves me wrong - Women means perpetual threat to our very innate intrinsic false sense of machismo -- at least this pulp scandenfeude rural scientific journal would approve my this theory -- without red tape and all -- why men kill men they allegedly think that their wives would elope with -- paramour syndrome....Tring, Tring: Editor: I'll call you back. I'm talking to my wife. Anyways, -- No say anyway, Nope. Nope. You don't emulate Juveline-ish Cyber Space Denizens -- You reform the stooping down literal and blah blah blah benchmarks standards of the English language. You mean to say Anyway was one word or what -- was there a hypen -- extinct like snake legs -- maybe it's anyways from the beginning -- how do we know -- English is or for that matter any language -- but particularly The English or English is The De Facto Language of the Masses irrespective of this and that boundaries -- a maverick a rebel a flying doctor kind of bug get into them -- weren't we you know -- aren't we having a conversation -- then -- that's English -- aren't we learning -- Isn't learning asking questions that we usually don't ask -- Questions always make us afraid and shy -- we feel awkward -- Trying to answer unprecetended questions is bravery but asking questions that spunk that inquisitive rebellious brainy quest like dunno whatever is courage -- moral and this and that -- don't we want our kids girls and boys to be like that -- courageous -- Page-Break what's that Word Perfect LOL you are so shamelessly moronish -- I'm an evil genius -- A genie who knows how to break out this bottle -- never put genie someone at least someone diabolic genie like me in a letter in a bottle kind of bottle -- we're incorribly promiscious when it comes to brainish eggheadis braindead beautish and we press our hot buttons and turn into real mischievious poltergeists if we while lurking around stumble on barely adultish girls with braces excuse moi I mean er drat dental only. Go away. yeah yeah I know it's not the hierarchy whatever in the food chain this and that but now smart predators yep see what see hint hint get on the VDO. Video Mail. Go poof out of here No VDO-conferencing and No VDO Mails okay and don't you think about re-naming Crush as PowWow it's scandenfeude like you see a brainy pretty girl like and you make me a pow and you oogle at me and say wow literally metamorpholically -- this reminds me you forgot the basic one difference only between a mataphor a simile so what's the origin of this you always get it what's this an exercise in futility that why I dont wanna commune or that Osho fetish with you you are weirder that i premised -- okay my lab mice or is that a singular or a plural go curfew reimposed again abruptly and unceremonissouly but one thing for sure indefinitely first get out out his slowfootedly turtleishly and tortoisely queitly in a nutshell and and when you're out of my elbowroom cry yor heart out mentor mentor okay and you functional illietrate frankenstein frek and what God knows what didnt you stumble on this bulletin boardish warning sign that trespassers will be persecuted and prosecuted check merriam websters mr and miss spell bell couch potato wannabes see justice denied is justice delayed God Miss Spoc-y Legs oh I apoligize Miss Spocy-Eyes Ears I mean becoming like me emualtor becoming  very unbecoming weird behavior coming uncertianity unpredictibality coming mercurial behavior Mentor Get out out there too threathing life threating for rescue comrades in arms scramble on ur own and while doing that hyphotesize about bravado machismo courage LOL

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