Saturday, April 15, 2017

Resurrection Privatized eh? Yes, Lord. Oh My My ghor kalyug Same Mummification huh? Yes Yes, Asking Maqsood Qureshi Our Earlthy Governor NOT to hurt Pharoah-nic CUlT-ish sentiments -- Lord.

Cryonics (from Greek κρύος 'kryos-' meaning 'cold') is the low-temperature preservation (usually at −196°C) of people who cannot be sustained by contemporary medicine, with the hope that resuscitation and restoration to full health may be possible in the far future.[1] Cryopreservation of humans is not reversible with present technology; cryonicists hope that medical advances will someday allow cryopreserved people to be revived.[2]

Cryonics is regarded with skepticism within the mainstream scientific community and is not part of normal medical practice. It is not known if it will ever be possible to revive a cryopreserved human being. Cryonics depends on beliefs that the cryonics patient has not experienced information-theoretic death.[3] Such views are at the speculative edge of medicine.[4]

  • Cryonics procedures can only begin after legal death, and cryonics "patients" are considered legally dead. Cryonics procedures ideally begin within minutes of cardiac arrest,[5] and use cryoprotectants to prevent ice formation during cryopreservation.[6] The first corpse to be cryopreserved was that of Dr. James Bedford in 1967.[7] As of 2014, about 250 bodies were cryopreserved in the United States, and 1,500 people had made arrangements for cryopreservation after their legal death.

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