Saturday, April 8, 2017

Postby The Grand Network » Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:14 pm The Army The Caliphate's military is very diverse compared to other nation's mostly due to the fact that the Caliphate is an alliance of seperate nations rather than just one. It combines elements like light cavalry of Afghanistan, skirmishers of Arabia, grenadiers and cataphracts of Persia, and disciplined infantry of Sindh. Military Leadership The following are the leaders of the Caliphate's military. The High General and High Admiral are more senior than the Generals and are their superiors. It is also important to remember that the Caliph is Command-in-Chief and that the Grand Vizier may take his place on the battliefield if needed. High General of the Army: High General Muhammad Adib General of the Infantry: General Tamir Wasil Shankar General of the Cavalry: General Mounir Yaman al-Dizzar High Admiral of the Navy: High Admiral Nazir Abdurahman General of the Reserves: General Mussa Abdullah Ra'fat General of Supply and Maintenance: General Mika'il Mohammadi Rasshid Army Totals Total Standing Force: 9,000,000 Total Reserves: 37,610,000 Total Available Manpower: 1,500,000,000 Standing Armies: Eastern Army 1st Persian Army 2nd Afghan Army 3rd Arabian Army 4th Iraq Army 5th Kurd Army 6th Indian Army 7th Caspian Army Western Army *20th Mecca Corps *Denotes incomplete army Military Ranks Officers High General(Mushir) General(Sardir) Lieutenant General (Fariq) Major General (Liwa) Brigadier General (Amirilay) Colonel (Qaimaqa) Lieutenant Colonel (Bimbashi) Major (Sagh) Captain (Yuzbashi) First Lieutenant (Mulazim awwal) Second Lieutenant (Mulazim thani) Enlisted Sergeant (Shawish) Corporal (Ambashi) Private (Askari) Unit Organization Field Army (900,000)- 2 Armies Army (450,000)- 2 Corps Corps (225,000)- 5 Divisions Division (45,000)- 5 Brigades Brigade (9,000)- 3 Regiments Regiment (3,000)- 2 Battalions Battalion (1,500)- 5 Companies Company (300)- 10 Platoons Platoon (30)- 3 Squads Squad- 10 soldiers Military Organization -Eastern Field Army --Eastern Army --2nd Afghan Army -Central Field Army --1st Persian Army --6th Indian Army -Arabian Field Army --3rd Arabian Army --8th Mecca Corps -Caucus Field Army --5th Kurd Army --7th Caspian Army -Western Field Army --Western Army --4th Iraq Army Infantry Ghazi The most common infantry in the Calihpate's military, Ghazi act as line infantry. Currently, they have no issued muskets, uniforms, or bayonets. Soldiers are expected to supply their own weapons upon joining the military. It isn't hard to obtain a linear musket cheap enough that the average peasant can afford it, however this leads to variation among the ranks where every man has a different gun and melee weapon. Ghazi's training certainly isn't first class either, but they are able to execute basic drill commands. Where they lack in technology and training, Ghazi make up for in sheer fanaticism. Caliphate troops are known to go into battles wanting to die, believing they'll be greeted in heaven with paradise for dying in a Jihad. However, much of this is changing as time goes on. Deals are in the works to arm troops such as Ghazi with standard arms and give them much needed modern training. If these deals come through, the new improvements coupled with the fanaticism of Caliphate soldiers could make basic soldiers such as Ghazis some of the best on Earth. Line infantry such as Ghazi fight, quite obviously, in lines. The first line will fire and crouch, leaving a clear space for the second line to fire. While crouching the first line will reload so after the second line is done firing, they can stand up and fire again to repeat the process. Line volleys aren't where Ghazi excell though. They do much better during charges where they can unleash their full religious fervor on the enemy in the form of bloody hand-to-hand combat. Ghazi Picture Saracen Archers As all proper armies, the Caliphate has skirmishers, called Saracen Archers. Although called archers, they don't all necessarily use bow and arrows. Saracens use everything from your average linear muskets, rifles, and obviously bow and arrows. Because most Saracens are recruited from Arab tribes, they are master shots who have begun learning from an early age to help support their tribe through hunting. Many foreign foes scoff at the sight of these peasant archers when they first see the Islamic Army, but fellow Muslims know their true abilities. The range of these skilled archers i nearly four times that of a line infantryman's musket, allowing them to launch several volleys into the advancing force before they can even think of firing accurately. By that time, the Saracens will have retreated behind the line infantry lines. These troops are particularly deadly as their arrows fly too slowly to be picked up by a kinetic shield. Saracen Picture Humbaraci Humbaraci are the Caliphate's grenadiers who are made up of some of the largest and strongest men in the military. They server two main rolls on the battlefield. At the beginning, they will go out in front with the skirmishers and either throw grenades by hand or launch them from grenade launchers into the advancing army. After they retreat behind the line infantry Humbaraci will act as shock troops to reinforce weak points in the primary line. Their grenades are extremely deadly as they fly into an enemy's kinetic shield and explode, causing massive casualties. Humbaraci Picture Cavalry Jaanbaz Hussars Clad in light power armor with jump jets, Jaanbaz act as the Caliphate's light cavalry force. Jaanbaz are quick and fast, relying on their agility and jump jets to make up for their relatively weak cavalry armor, although any armor is better than what line infantry get. Being cavalry, Jaanbaz have their own kinetic shields as opposed to what normal infantry get. There are certain guidelines as to what weapons they have to carry, but most men disregard these and carry their what they want. This makes Jaanbaz generally very armed, with many men carrying a linear musket, hand cannons, multiple linear pistols, and energy sabres. Contrary to the following picture horses are rarely used with any cavalry regiments in the military. Jaanbaz Picture Bedouin Dragoons Originally made of the fearless tribal Bedouin natives of the Arabian Peninsula, Bedouin Dragoon regiments are currently filled with men from all over the Caliphate. Bedouin Dragoons are similar to most other nation's dragoons; medium cavalry with thick armor who act as a link between light and heavy cavalry. They're somewhat less prestigious than the other two cavalry classes because they're made of normal citizens as opposed to the nobles that make up light and heavy cavalry regiments. Bedouins are also the most numerous form of cavalry in the Caliphate's military. Bedouin Picture Cataphract Sipahi Cataphract Sipahi are the heavy cavalry of the Caliphate's military. Sipahi are massive hulks of armor and mechanics who intimidate even the most hardened veterans. The Persian-made power armor suites worn by the Sipahis are larger than most nation's and are called cataphracts suites after the ancient armored horsemen. Sipahi generally carry a power scimitar and a gun large enough to qualify as artillery. Sipahi Picture Light Artillery Mk 25 1.25 support weapon A number of Mk 25's were bought by the Caliphate from the Dutch. The Mk 25 is one of the few functioning rapid fire linear muskets. The Mk 25 has a large set up, requiring a team of 6 (commander, gunner, loader, barrel changer, runner, barrel cooler). The weapon can put out an almost constant rate of fire but badly trained crews can suffer serious casualties. The holds 10 musket rounds in a circular loader in the back. This circle is hand cranked and each round fires when it reaches the barrel. The barrel will heat up extremely fast and needs to be changed every few rounds. The Barrel Cooler stands there and moniters the coolant covers on the barrel to keep it functioning for longer. This weapon is extremely expensive and only a few batteries of it serve in the Army Mk 25 Picture Arab Saker (5 lber) A native-made gun, the Arab Saker is among one of the Caliphate's premier guns. Often utilized as field artillery due to its huge range and reliability, the Saker is the backbone of the Caliphate's artillery arsenal. Along with its 5 lb gun, the Saker has 6 ports to poke linear muskets out of so it can contend with cavalry as well. Saker Picture Mk XX (6 lber) A number of MK XX's were bought by the Caliphate from the Dutch. The Mk XX was originally built to give extra firepower to skirmisher formations with its breech loading 6lb gun, but the Caliphate utilizes it in a multi-role purpose due to it's mobility. Mk XX Picture Train Artillery 950mm Prophet Gun The Prophet Gun is a huge gun, perhaps the largest on Earth, located in Mecca, Hedjaz. It's the centerpiece of the Caliphate's arsenal, showcasing their expert cannon crafting abilities. Intended to be used against ship by firing at them while they're in orbit, the massive gun would vaporize almost any ship it makes contact with. Only a crazy man would turn the gun at an approaching ground force, althought it has been proposed. The Caliph himself would never send such a ludicrous order, but the fanatical Meccan Guard would no doubt use the gun to protect the city in the event of an attack. It has been said by the Caliph that "if an army ever gets that far into the Caliphate, there's nothing left to lose" gives the prospect a menacing possibility. Foreign and Special Units Black Guard The Black Guard is the name of regiments made completely out of Sub-Saharan black-Africans. Taught to fight from infancy, the Black Guardis composed ot elite light infantry. They're seen as very reliable due to the fact that being foreignors, they have no stake in the Caliphate's internal affairs and will always stay loyal to the true Caliph. Black Guard Picture Ahadi The Ahadi are an elite force of Indian heavy lancers. Although not as heavily armored as Cataphract Sipahi, Ahadis have training rivaling even the most elite European cavalry. These troops are easily identifiable as all of their cavalry suits and weapons are encrusted with gems and are beautiful pieces of art that go along with the fighting they bring to the battlefield. Ahadi means 'royal messenger' and the message they bring to the battlefield is one of devestation. Show Spoiler Mamelukes Mameluke Picture Janissaries Mecca Guard

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