My imagination of Miss Alizee when she's away from the glaring eyes of ardent star gazers -- aloof and alone -- -- flipping half-heartedly -- What's that eh? -- Paulo's sob story-like title -- so-called Best-seller or whatever: By the River Piedra I sat Down and Wept --
A girl still -- fussy about and obsessed with weird braid and anklet fair -- gullible believer of folklore of conch and waves -- This obstinate rut? Oh, not again -- Yep, girl -- There're no -- Shamans in mystic and paranormal rage -- Ice Maiden (A boy who is truly stuck on a girl!) -- Yep, that's Paul Jennings Thirteen-ish or Fourteen-ish -- Unpredictable or Predictible -- I don't know -- but, for sure -- it's the whackiest, warped and diabolic amongest all his tales -- This: A kaleidoscope of meteors' frenzy -- Is she a Nova or a shooting star? Where did you get this eh? Not for you! I just doodled and scribbled -- absent-mindedly -- Don't fidget with my personal things -- woe! -- The Steadfast Tin Soldier's fate? Those daemons twisted the tale -- the collective fire of their unquenchable envies charred him into charcoal not that ballerina babe! Poor soul -- Now, I realize: Hara Kiri. -- Trojan War. -- Here's my Instrument of abdication. Yep, yep -- Icarus too must've had a reason -- firefly's ire and blatant arrogance -- Couln't she get it -- Ain't that simple -- Darkest nights engulf with unprecedented vengeance -- The Accolade? British artist Edmund Leighton? Oh, that couterfeit -- It's real pseudo -- real fake - No dubbing -- Modern-day Princesses behead Knights like me -- Snake Charmer bitten by just the snaklets' hiss? You believe in Romance? Necromancy is the norm Miss Dude with Don't-Give-Me-Vertigo-like Attitude! Get real! Yep, No Ivory Tower, either. Even Eiffel Tower is at the verge of extinction -- By the way, Miss Alizee -- were you stranded on some Lilliputian Island eh? I'm Alexander Selkirk. Yep, re-birth is real. Knight in shining armor. Yep, yep. I rescue damnsels in man-made distress or otherwise. That's my favorite vocation? So, are you on vacation? Where's Vatican? Tell Me Why. You carry that ancient manuscript-like unkempt book with you -- oh, Who said so to you? Some charlatan. Lived happily ever after....? Mademoiselle Alizee. bonjour. Nope, not Bon Jovi! bon voyage. Sindbad the Sailor and Elizabeth Taylor....Novajo. That's a variant meaning no such word for goodbye in our language. French, I don't know. Powwow again, Miss AliZee. Bye for now. -- The Whirling Dervish aka The Alpha Geek aka . . . . ad infinitum.
A girl still -- fussy about and obsessed with weird braid and anklet fair -- gullible believer of folklore of conch and waves -- This obstinate rut? Oh, not again -- Yep, girl -- There're no -- Shamans in mystic and paranormal rage -- Ice Maiden (A boy who is truly stuck on a girl!) -- Yep, that's Paul Jennings Thirteen-ish or Fourteen-ish -- Unpredictable or Predictible -- I don't know -- but, for sure -- it's the whackiest, warped and diabolic amongest all his tales -- This: A kaleidoscope of meteors' frenzy -- Is she a Nova or a shooting star? Where did you get this eh? Not for you! I just doodled and scribbled -- absent-mindedly -- Don't fidget with my personal things -- woe! -- The Steadfast Tin Soldier's fate? Those daemons twisted the tale -- the collective fire of their unquenchable envies charred him into charcoal not that ballerina babe! Poor soul -- Now, I realize: Hara Kiri. -- Trojan War. -- Here's my Instrument of abdication. Yep, yep -- Icarus too must've had a reason -- firefly's ire and blatant arrogance -- Couln't she get it -- Ain't that simple -- Darkest nights engulf with unprecedented vengeance -- The Accolade? British artist Edmund Leighton? Oh, that couterfeit -- It's real pseudo -- real fake - No dubbing -- Modern-day Princesses behead Knights like me -- Snake Charmer bitten by just the snaklets' hiss? You believe in Romance? Necromancy is the norm Miss Dude with Don't-Give-Me-Vertigo-like Attitude! Get real! Yep, No Ivory Tower, either. Even Eiffel Tower is at the verge of extinction -- By the way, Miss Alizee -- were you stranded on some Lilliputian Island eh? I'm Alexander Selkirk. Yep, re-birth is real. Knight in shining armor. Yep, yep. I rescue damnsels in man-made distress or otherwise. That's my favorite vocation? So, are you on vacation? Where's Vatican? Tell Me Why. You carry that ancient manuscript-like unkempt book with you -- oh, Who said so to you? Some charlatan. Lived happily ever after....? Mademoiselle Alizee. bonjour. Nope, not Bon Jovi! bon voyage. Sindbad the Sailor and Elizabeth Taylor....Novajo. That's a variant meaning no such word for goodbye in our language. French, I don't know. Powwow again, Miss AliZee. Bye for now. -- The Whirling Dervish aka The Alpha Geek aka . . . . ad infinitum.
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