Monday, April 3, 2017

A wannabe writer's letter to a writer . . . .

Miss Lindsay Zier-Vogel: I'm usually not that presumptous! LOL

Hi! My name is Maqsood Qureshi -- I'm from India -- I've a Blog -- It's address is:
I used to believe in serendipity; now I believe in Destiny -- Stumbled on your Blog from this web site:

I'd like to request you something: This E-mail itself might sound a wee bit offbeat-ish and whacky but I really want you to visit my Blog whenever you'd -- and tell me if I've the right attitude, aptitude and all et cetras -- All of us wannabe writers look into writers like you -- Is is something innate, intrinsic, shamanic or could be acquired by trial and error?

I never knew that -- never heard of this name -- never knew that there's this girl who looks bookworm-ish and totally Betty-type. You may find my E-mail amusing -- and, you might all of a sudden find yourself -- loud think-ing : Something like: Hypothesis is a vice, right? So something like God knows -- Asian shack -- Spam filters never work like Dunno. Anybody, some more coffee eh? Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

One more thing: You've all the prerequistes to be my Ghost Writer! Arrogance? Justified. Over-Ridden.

A reformed Lady-Killer aka The Whirling Dervish


Maqsood Qureshi
No Day Light Saving Time Zone: 1:15 AM. Let's skip the Coordinates.
Off the SAT phone. E-mail only. Or the ubiqutious Facebook. Twitter reminds me of COBOL.
Novajo. A variant of There's no such thing as Goodbye. I never say it. It scares me. A chap with a wobbly week-kneed faith.

Post Script: Next girl on my Stalk and Spam list is Annie Russell -- Miss or Otherwise. Her MugShot doesn't look
Photo-Shopped and her profile itself is an encouraging example of Precis Writing. I never knew that The Creative Schools churn out such Literary Brobdinagian Novas in BootCamp-ish Time Slot / Frame. Voice Response: Activated. I've slight flu. That's okay. Search and Replace: Just a moment, please. 1 Match Found. I'm too bankrupt to afford an ergonomic keyboard:
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) does give me a fright! LOL

Gotta go now: Manolya Onur (formerly "Her Imperial and Exalted Highness" Princess Qhabl Begum Sahiba Manolya-i-Nur, Imperial Princess of the Ottoman Empire and Princess of Berar) is sending me SOS Smoke Signals. Or maybe it's some ciggy that I didn't put out / extinguished .... anyways, I must take your leave now and attend my distinguised guest of honor: Miss Turkey Wannabe.

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