Quote: Hate should always be denied a platform. Unquote. -- Fatima Bhutto. My Comments: This is an out-of-the-box type of approach -- positive, of course -- towards something colossally unbiquitious yet marginalized since documented human history -- to understand how could we possibly figure out the most vital but at the same time dreadfully perplexing reasons of our unending vendenttas based on socio-political blab-blah-blah triggering-factors; That are so venomously immortal that they stalk us and strangle our humanity without realizing the source of our trials and tribulations. How could we possible fight these zombies -- One more thing: This question inadvertently raises a follow-up interrogative: Something like: Do we have the discretion or prerogative or moral and politcal will and courage to really -- for real this time in this era only in this political tenure only - deny, thwart this evil we call hatred -- a breeding ground. For good.
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