Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Not Playing To The Gallerry Really Really Crush Thing TElling It is mutual telling dunno me trauma syndrome becoming walking like lazyrus -- Her Qareen: The Constant Companian Jinn commuting to me unsolicitedly as making friends with me telling me all her secrets me scared she thinking finding out this this I am some witch craft practitioner sorcerer not reading my letters and blocking me me freaking out but this Jinn coming coming again again coming having tea with me ciggy too no money already taking why not there ritzy girl me bankrupt but telling telling crush crush expletives profanities loud think telling me telling not telling not good telling God telling MatchMaking Good thing later not this job MatchMaking web site job good renumeration plus med dental insurance plus foreign exotic locale trips fully paid and rental car telling God Angels coming big big angles coming telling saint saint whirling dervish saint telling me very awestruck coming coming didnt meaning intruding ur elbowroom telling me no money othwerwise me him sitting eating sharing hotdog not getting india burger costeffective burger drive in walk in getting sitting talking not telling me things she doesnt want me to know that breach of trust telling me Jinn comrade but telling sacred soul u know sacred soul crying pillow father remembering telling like watermelon telling me feeling gloomy nervousbreakdown verge person feeling not stalker type but thinking divine intervention cosmic sumthing sumthing so like that Jinn comrade telling trust u trust implied trust saying dunno me also very thunderstrink strunk struk Jinn never happening u this Close Friend / Slave of Allaah praying me also finding soulmate u soulmate matchmaker telling angels like this like this alll paranormal activities happening maybe i am also levitating me very afraid this girl is jink jinx this snapshot jinxed me seeing going there only homepage becoming like that ad virus thingy no inoculation by 2020 saying his Chief Angel Companion telling but not telling me not writing here and not hushing me not telling me ur rustic me this this not telling no ego only heathy ego God Blessing yep yep okay me going posting this Internet broadband mode not coming phone line type coming

Building castles in the air

Self-help book format but with ample liberties literary or otherwise

This is a monologue

You are not here

But You are always here

Helping people to learn how to unleash their imagination

Most of the times you are my solo audience

Sometimes even space station girlies key-in their input -- voice their protests vehemently

I want people to sign your book -- this one -- yep

Self-sealing -- addressed -- stamp -- not that postal # thingy -- but you do it yourself for your readers -- you get it published yourself --
no big house no deadlines no constraints no dos and donts -- get the software -- or make sure of a service -- I would help you select something thats dunno but all books with this funky feature: recordable pages -- hold the red button record something -- early morning birdie hoopla -- some tear-ables for them to send back mail back to you -- stamp -- good glue so it doesnt come off during transition -- you setup a page on a social media portal exclusively for this -- they assign themselves a call sign -- and you interact with them -- doodle absentmindedly on one page -- leave a few pages blank -- you dont even have to write left blank intentionally -- ink marks -- your fingerprints -- thumb impressions blue red inks combos -- VIBGYOR -- What IF rainbow had other colors or more colors -- anything -- This is Volume One -- This might seem something totally unprecendented but what wasnt -- moreover, I have some The-Whirling-Dervish-Type of chaps asserting that there is no such thing as unprecedented -- history is vast -- its extinct -- poof -- into thin air -- so how do you know -- archaeology this that -- interpretation right -- human-generated -- so this enigmatic person literally spams me with some God-knows impunity -- No arrogance but dunno -- He says he has a weird unprecedented syndrome he calls it: self-schadenfreude -- when he self-flagellates himself not literally of course but you never know I am je umpy of this Richard Bach and Paulo Wannabes -- but this newbie prefers the word rookie -- very keen to the point of obsession very picky choosy about word he inputs -- as if its some Unv English assessment test I dunno -- obstinate with hilariously positive connotations -- thinks I am headstrong -- I am stalled and I dunno how to get out of the spin and he is a blah blah blah dunno test pilot a newage top gun or whatever knight in shining armor rescuing damsel in distress yep me see talk about impudence -- coffee table books he thinks -- pulp lit. festival -- ivory tower princess -- I can fly -- wax wings -- dunno -- says I am the modern-day avatar of Icarus if you have even cursorily skimmed over Greek Mythology and I have leart my lesson and I am not I dont have to prove anything to anyone -- I wont try to belittle my father -- I could get you out of your Ivory Tower -- Dunno -- Creep -- Nope -- Why are you discussing him -- says you are hobnobbing kowtowing with Intellectual cuckolds -- I am the only Alpha Male of the Pride -- says Intellectual cuckoldry is tantamount to Literary Blasphemy -- dunno -- I just cant help but . . . . Internet # of users you know -- so ignore him -- I get comments like that every nano second -- yeah yeah but I was just wondering whos he why me dunno steadfast tin soldier dunno -- soulmates unconditional dunno -- matchmaking -- he has a flair forte to weave a web with words -- though he isnt as formally educated as us -- that kind of milieu and other things -- black board jungle drop out he is so aware of his he calls it dereliction of moral responsibilities and primal primary duties he is dunno so unafaird to write no straitjackets for him like a gypsy in a single space his blog post he isnt social-media-lurkers-hawks--shy to write -- so gullible yet in a way so dunno that thing he has the innate courage to swim against the currents -- classlessness -- a wee bit of this a wee bit of this -- someone who think protocol is about our rules we set for ourselves to dunno He wont use the word freedom -- He doesnt say it in words -- in aural -- He says hes like that -- sky writing the world-wide-sky is your grafitti wall -- dont think he would drop in there -- dunno -- whoever he is -- he makes you inquisitive nosy about him -- more than about what dunno -- chaste sincereity pristine sincerity dunno uncanny knack == old school tie type -- you just cant help but laugh -- a clown -- dunno -- shepherd who goes out on a stormy stark-pitch dark night to look for its lost lame lamb -- someone whos not foolhardly but fights hard to overcome his fear of darkness and fear of the unknown i.e. whats lurking whats evils -- to combat a wolf or a pack of them armed with knee wobbly faith in God. Try and write to him -- It's online -- maybe -- dunno -- I dont believe in Shamans and Modern Days Messiash particularly the BarnStormer kind -- Occult -- ESP -- Intuition -- Book of Lies -- you think so -- yep -- glare -- nope he aint that -- you know whats that word his copyrighted Lilliputian afterall -- you are not going to say Indefinitely -- LOL Fine. 

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