The definition of "maturity" by Cambridge Learner's Dictionary is: "the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult" -- By the time you're an adult -- your 20 - 25 years have elapsed -- I'm an old man -- My actual date of birth is: 14 Nov. 1972 i.e. I'm 51 years 11 months 27 days old -- Why am I writing this post -- in the first place? I think--deep down-- I want clarity -- What I intend by clarity is: "the state of having a full, detailed, and orderly mental grasp of something" -- Today -- This morning -- I'm very fuzzy-headed -- I think--deep down--I'm a hypocrite -- I don't have courage to tell the truth -- You know they made us write a shortened version of our autobiography in the Rehabilitation Centre -- I did write that -- but I couldn't tell the truth -- at least the whole truth -- I think it takes tremendous courage to write an autobiography -- If you can't write the truth -- then there's no point writing the autobiography -- That's why I don't write it -- But in a way I've some spunk LOL ROFL -- I'm telling you the truth that I can't tell the truth -- I'm courageous enough to admit / confess that I don't have courage -- LOL ROFL -- By the way, slowly but steadily I'm turning into a writer -- I'll tell you the secret of becoming one i.e. to write nothing but the truth -- Brush up your language skills a wee bit -- learn lots of words -- that's all -- write about yourself first -- it's easy -- because you know yourself very well -- slowly you'll become one -- like me! LOL ROFL -- it does take time -- few years -- Try writing in English -- you'll have a large readership in English -- than in any our regional languages -- And, with all due respect -- I believe English is more expressive -- because it loans / absorbs words from other languages -- You'll have more elbowroom -- Refer multiple dictionaries -- Anyways, I don't know what I'm going to write next -- I'm just having a conversation with you -- chitchat -- I want clarity -- I don't want to prove anything -- I'm just having a casual chat with you -- I read somewhere that a book is actually a conversation with the author -- you can't speak with everyone -- then you write a book -- to chitchat with everyone in one go --
To be continued....
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