A whacky rhyme again! LOL ROFL hehehehehehehe

Pandora's box

I know your plot

Plan B and C 

Chilly December 

Yeah, yeah it's Winter.

Shudder, shudder

Tremble with fear

I have got you

Don't act like you didn't know

Catch-22, catch-22.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Reprint: What's Mind Control eh?

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Vashikaran Specialists -- Satanism and Secret Societies

I think there're some terribly deviant people who voluntarily let the demon(s) possess 'em -- or (involuntarily) coerce unsuspecting victims into submission -- i.e. make the devil(s) possess 'em -- These people must be acting solo or belong to some satanic cult(s): spawning ground for satanists. They worship the devil.

These self-proclaimed / self-professed Vashikaran Specialists are so ubiquitous . . .. 

Hypothetical scenario: Just imagine a gung-ho and paganized human bot being controlled by a handler -- who's zillions of miles away -- Goosebumps -- Chills -- Hair-raising  righto?  Think of such bots in other domains as well -- For instance: Finance, Defense and so on. I think we need psychic interceptors to thwart such attacks. Sci-fi movies stuff -- yeah?

Mind control: Developed nations spend zillions of dollars for Research and development (R&D). But here in our Incredible India: Vashikaran Specialist(s) patiently sit under a banyan tree with their parakeets -- chewing betel leaves -- and smoking hashish -- quietly waiting for their next patron.

That's all for now, folks. Go back to folklore.

Posted by Maqsood Qureshi at 6:39 AM

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Stream-of-consciousness: Part 1 :-)

I'm told that my great-grandfather was from Arabia -- I don't think that we've a family tree -- but I'm proud to be of Arabian descent -- I love Bedouins -- My lifelong romance with 'em started in the United Arab Emirates LOL ROFL -- I don't know what I'm gonna write next -- This is a stream-of-consciousness style / post -- Let's see..... -- I'm goading myself to write this -- Honestly speaking: I wanna listen to some more music or have my siesta, instead -- but it's too late for a siesta, isn't it? -- It's 4:30-ish PM in India -- By the way, folks, the day before yesterday was my birthday -- My birthday resolution this time is to stick to all of my past resolutions! LOL ROFL -- You know folks, long-ago I tried quitting (smoking) cold turkey -- but I started (smoking) again! -- I like the word: "cessation" BTW -- LOL ROFL -- I love saying NRT -- it's short for: Nicotine Replacement Therapy -- I take Nicotine Gums -- I read somewhere that people smoke to think about quitting smoking LOL ROFL I'm one of 'em -- I don't know what my wannabe girlfriend thinks about my smoking habit -- She's very different from other girls -- I don't think she'd pester me to stop.... -- When people around me are happy -- I'm ditto -- otherwise I'm :( as well -- I mirror moods of people around me -- Someday I'd like to have pet falcons -- Like Emirati People -- I wanna be a falconer --

To be continued . . . .

Monday, November 11, 2024

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘There is no one among you who, when he is stricken with distress and grief, says, “Allahumma inni ‘abduka wabnu ‘abdika wabnu amatika naasiyati bi yadika maadin fiyya hukmuka, ‘adlun fiyya qadaa’uka. As’aluka bi kull ismin huwa laka sammayta bihi nafsaka aw allamtahu ahadan min khalqika aw anzaltahu fi kitaabika aw asta’tharta bihi fi ‘ilm il-ghayb ‘indaka an taj’al al-Qur’aana rabee’a qalbi wa noora sadri wa jilaa’a huzni wa dhahaaba hammi [O Allah, I am Your slave, son of Your slave and son of Your maidservant, my forelock is in Your hand. Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just. I ask You by every name belonging to You which You named Yourself with, or You taught to any of Your creation, or revealed in Your Book, or You have preserved in the knowledge of the Unseen with You, that You nmake the Qur’aan the life of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release for my anxiety]” – but Allah will remove his distress and his grief, and will give him joy instead…”

(Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 3582; it is a saheeh hadeeth).

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Stream of consciousness / Interior monologue (First draft) :-)

The definition of "maturity" by Cambridge Learner's Dictionary is: "the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult" -- By the time you're an adult -- your 20 - 25 years have elapsed -- I'm an old man -- My actual date of birth is: 14 Nov. 1972 i.e. I'm 51 years 11 months 27 days old -- Why am I writing this post -- in the first place? I think--deep down-- I want clarity -- What I intend by clarity is: "the state of having a full, detailed, and orderly mental grasp of something" -- Today -- This morning -- I'm very fuzzy-headed -- I think--deep down--I'm a hypocrite -- I don't have courage to tell the truth -- You know they made us write a shortened version of our autobiography in the Rehabilitation Centre -- I did write that -- but I couldn't tell the truth -- at least the whole truth -- I think it takes tremendous courage to write an autobiography -- If you can't write the truth -- then there's no point writing the autobiography -- That's why I don't write it -- But in a way I've some spunk LOL ROFL -- I'm telling you the truth that I can't tell the truth -- I'm courageous enough to admit / confess that I don't have courage -- LOL ROFL -- By the way, slowly but steadily I'm turning into a writer -- I'll tell you the secret of becoming one i.e. to write nothing but the truth -- Brush up your language skills a wee bit -- learn lots of words -- that's all -- write about yourself first -- it's easy -- because you know yourself very well -- slowly you'll become one -- like me! LOL ROFL -- it does take time -- few years -- Try writing in English -- you'll have a large readership in English -- than in any our regional languages -- And, with all due respect -- I believe English is more expressive -- because it loans / absorbs words from other languages -- You'll have more elbowroom -- Refer multiple dictionaries -- Anyways, I don't know what I'm going to write next -- I'm just having a conversation with you -- chitchat -- I want clarity -- I don't want to prove anything -- I'm just having a casual chat with you -- I read somewhere that a book is actually a conversation with the author -- you can't speak with everyone -- then you write a book -- to chitchat with everyone in one go -- 

To be continued....

Saturday, November 9, 2024

A whacky rhyme.... LOL ROFL hehehehehehe

Trance, trance

Demons have no chance.

I'm a Shaman

Princess or Begum.

I'm a Defender of the Crown

I may retreat but never flee: The battleground.

No talismans. No daggers. No shield. No sword

Battle hardened Daemons on my left. Warrior Angels on my right flank.

I'm Ashoka. I'm Chanakya.

I'm your worst nightmare.

What're Sorcerers? What's Sorcery? What's Witchcraft?

You're Diminutives, Weaklings and Dwarves.

My Dominion knows no thresholds 

Jupiter or Neptune -- Don't tell me: I didn't make you swoon.

Don't you dare show your teeth

I know you're in crocodile-infested swamp -- already -- knee-deep.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Number of Angels

The angels are many, and their number is known only to Allah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, describing the Much-Frequented House (al-Bayt al-M’amoor) in the seventh heaven:

"Then I was taken up to the Much-Frequented House: every day seventy thousand angels visit it and leave, never returning to it again, another [group] coming after them." [al-Bukhaari].






Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Who is a true religious leader in these modern times? Part 2 :-)

Life is all about Metamorphosis -- It's all about Evolution -- I'm NOT talking about Darwinism -- I'm talking about something else -- something entirely different --You'll have to outgrow yourself -- You've to abstain from The seven deadly sins i.e. pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth -- something like that -- You know: Anger is momentary madness -- You've absolutely no right to preach us -- Who gave you that Right? -- You're a self-proclaimed and self-styled Religious Guru -- Tell me about your Credentials -- How did you become our Chieftain? -- Who gave you that Privilege? Prerogatives? Who? -- Why do we've to follow you like Lemmings? -- The most important question is: Why're we listening to you in the first place, eh? -- You're nobody -- Period. -- You're NOT uplifting us -- Social evils eh? -- We read that in the Newspapers -- Social Media -- mainstream Media -- We--absolutely--don't need you to tell us about it -- You're leading us to our inevitable doom -- In other words: You're no more better than Gurus of Doomsday Cults! -- You're NOT a Guide -- you're a highway robber -- in the guise of a savior -- You're inculcating hatred in us for others -- for no real reason -- We don't hate anybody -- You're instigating us to commit hate crimes, aren't you? -- Think about it? You're exploiting our lack of education and awareness -- You're hoarding money -- and we're dirt poor -- You're nothing more than a leech -- Forgive my insolence -- but you're literally leeching onto us -- Like a wood borer --- You're gnawing at our values and everything -- We don't need you -- Full Stop -- We're NOT as gullible as you think -- We know our Fundamental Rights -- We're well aware of our Fundamental Duties -- We love our Country -- You can't lull us into traitorous conspiracies against our own -- We're amongst our own here -- We love each other -- We respect each other -- We'll resolve our differences amongst ourselves -- We don't want you -- We don't need you. Thank you so much for reading this. Bye for now. 

To be continued....

Monday, November 4, 2024

Who is a true religious leader in these modern times?

When you don't Lilliputian-ize someone to Brobdingnagian-ize yourself -- When your conscience is throbbing -- When you don't mock someone -- When you don't ridicule someone -- When you treat even your worst foes with ample respect and dignity -- When you take great pride in being just a shepherd -- I believe -- (forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong) -- Most of the Prophets  (peace and blessings of God be upon them) were Shepherds -- "Being the good shepherd means going out into the night, to search for the one sheep who is lost, when all the ninety-nine others are safe home." -- Like Doctors Without Borders -- When you love people irrespective of their creed, race, religion, gender, or political affiliation -- When you invoke the Leader in 'em -- When you help 'em catapult themselves to be a greater person than you in all respects -- When your ego is almost nil -- When you're very kind towards all creatures of God -- When your idealism is thriving like never before -- When a leper doesn't repulse you -- When you don't sit on a pedestal and deride anyone -- scorn your rivals -- When you don't have myopia -- Then you become a true religious leader -- When you're NOT frothing at the mouth giving nothing but hatemongering and contemptuous and bitter sermons -- Then you become a religious beacon -- Then you become a Lighthouse Keeper -- Then people will have real reverence for you -- but then you don't want to be revered -- you don't want fervent followers -- you want a happy, prosperous and peaceful community, country and world.

To be continued....




Sunday, November 3, 2024





Stream-of-consciousness: Sugar and me: Part 2 :-)

I can't write about her -- I hit the wall -- I've been looking for a soulmate for ages -- so how'd you write about this seemingly unending quest of literally zillions of years in just a short Blog post? -- I found this girl -- My OMG girl -- In the beginning it's kinda (putatively) reciprocal -- and then apparently turns out to be a classic tale of unrequited love? -- I don't know -- maybe she loves me too -- I don't know -- She wrote back to me twice or so -- then she stopped -- I don't know why -- I deduced that she's no malice -- she can't hurt anyone -- an amicable chitchat -- Do you Blog eh? She said: Yes -- I asked her for her E-mail address -- and she gave it to me -- then I went downstairs for tea -- End of story? -- I met her again -- in Rehab -- as a freeman this time -- and I asked her if she got my E-mail -- she said: Yes -- I started love bombing her -- This is my fairy story! -- She has a brilliant mind -- that's the understatement of the year! -- I wanna write the most perfect words -- impeccably, sheerly and utterly perfect words for her -- words nobody ever wrote before for their love -- Oh, Sugar, I love you so much -- We love each other? We want to spend our lives together? -- Rhetorical questions -- mind you! -- Melodramatics? -- She's very, very different from other girls -- run-of-the-mill? -- 

To be continued....

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Stream-of-consciousness: Sugar and me: Part 1

I'm an ardently zealous Desmond Morris buff -- My loyalties aren't promiscuous at all when it comes to him -- It's indubitable and unimpeachable -- I'm a zealotic people-watcher -- Sugar: my love interest is a psychologist -- I think that's her true vocation -- Love at first sight eh? -- Honestly, eh? I don't know -- Maybe yes, maybe no -- but one thing for sure -- She'd this hypnotic effect on me -- her magnetism was / is irresistible -- I met her in a rehabilitation center -- The very first thing I noticed about her is her non-discriminatory attitude -- She didn't look down at us inmates i.e. schizophrenics and all -- People regard us intellectually disabled with absolutely undisguised disdain -- I was totally smitten -- She's very simple -- Nothing ostentatious -- She spoke to us in plain and everyday Urdu / Hindi -- 

To be continued....


When Moses came at the appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he asked, “My Lord! Reveal Yourself to me so I may see You.” Allah answered, “You cannot see Me! But look at the mountain. If it remains firm in its place, only then will you see Me.” When his Lord appeared to the mountain, He levelled it to dust and Moses collapsed unconscious. When he recovered, he cried, “Glory be to You! I turn to You in repentance and I am the first of the believers.”

Friday, November 1, 2024

A whacky rhyme for you, My Sugar! :-) LOL ROFL hehehehehehehehe :-)

Long-ago I met a very charmingly simple girl

She's so awfully pretty

Like an intriguing Greek deity

Shy like a bright yellow mimosa or velvety brown kitty

A little bit of (both) Veronica and Betty.

I nicknamed her Ducky Duck, Duckling and Sugar

She looks like a mesmeric porcelain doll

In blue dungarees or black overalls

Me in grey elbow patches blazer and blue suspenders

Soulmate: Let's explore the world in a funky house trailer.

She thinks I'm loony and moonstruck

She reads the likes of Fredrik Backman and John Boyne

I'm into Richard Bach and Frederick Forsyth's bestsellers

I'm an egghead and impractical idealist

She's a poetess and stargazer.

A heterodox and an orthodox

I believe in miracles

She is a realist sort

Anyways, she's really, really sly

Ditto Samantha Fox!

Honeypot: Can I read you:

A Suitable Boy or From Heaven Lake

Yep, yep (both) by Vikram Seth

Or you wanna go to our homing pigeon loft?

What're we going to do on our first date? :-)

Please tell me, My Soulmate? :-)

Postscript: Sugar if you're reading this by any chance -- please write to me Duckling. It's been 8 years or so. :(

Draft (copy) . . . . :-) A whacky rhyme is no crime! hehehehehehhehe LOL ROFL :-)

Draw your swords

Knights and Warriors of Dervish Clans.

O You who've no fear of

Sorcerers, Evil Pied Pipers and Bears with White Claws.

Horse Guards

Cavalry charge.

Balaclava helmets

Behead anyone who shows no respect.

Let their horses go berserk 

Trample with their iron hooves.

Holy Guards of The Supreme Pontiff

O Thou who fear No Satanic Evil.

I'm a Humble Slave of the Holy Saints

Beyond The Shadow of a Doubt.

Will lay down my life

A Thousand Times.

What's Witchcraft?

Who're Evil Dwarves?

War cry War cry

Wizards and Witches

Today you'll die.

I promised my Apple-Pie.