Saturday, October 26, 2024

Kajal Aggarwal

There's this gigantic hoarding -- near my place -- there's a girl on it -- unbelievably pretty -- If I weren't a believer -- I'd have believed -- irrevocably so -- that she's a goddess -- there's something undeniably ethereal about her -- I've stayed here -- about fifty years or so -- on this planet -- (and) I've never seen anyone more prettier -- but pretty isn't the word -- she's this uncanny otherworldly vibes -- you just can't simply refute it -- she's someone who'd change your life unalterably -- You're teleported to some unearthly place -- some planet with mythical beings -- she's very bewitching -- a femme fatale with absolutely no remorse or guilt for the trials and tribulations of men -- she's someone who'd -- very easily -- instigate you to start not just a brawl but a war -- a real war -- you'd relinquish -- in a blink of an eye -- your knighthood for her -- If I were a king and if she (was) a commoner -- I'd have joyfully abdicated my crown for her -- no kidding -- Nobody sane would think twice -- An inimitable specimen of a (female) Homo Sapien -- but hey wait a minute -- she's a perfect clone -- that's none other than her sister -- kiddo sister I guess eh? -- Wiki says her name is Nisha -- Anyways, I Blogged about other girls -- in my characteristic whacky monologic style -- but I couldn't write about Kajal -- I dunno -- You've to be very discreet -- You've to choose your words very wisely -- writing about her is no picnic -- I see her songs, interviews for a few minutes -- then I just switch to something else -- something more.....I dunno  -- I just can't -- I dunno why -- I just get so spellbound or whatever -- awed? --- overwhelmed? -- I dunno why I'm Blogging about her today -- I don't see a sane reason to do that -- but maybe deep down -- subconsciously or so -- I want her to know that I think about her a lot -- quite often I must confess -- That's all -- paparazzi and all that -- write about her all the time -- of course -- Deep down I want her to read this Blog post and I also want her to know that I live in the same city -- I fret the day I might bump into her....... O Lord, please don't hasten the Hour.....LOL ROFL hehehehehehe :-)

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