Friday, September 13, 2024

Part 1: Folks you know: Our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Modi Ji comes from a very humble -- An-ordinary-Indian-citizen-like background -- I've often listened and observed people trying to belittle him -- Such people should realize that it's the Resilience, Incredible hard work, and the audacity of hope and the courage to dream -- not for himself -- but for the betterment of our society, country -- gullible, vulnerable girl child -- woman -- for their upliftment -- We should NOT ONLY RESPECT him but also show respect for the Honorable Institution of Prime Minister-ship. -- He hasn't done anything wrong -- Since he's elected -- he's trying to grapple with our problems....problems we Indians -- face everyday -- in a bus or a train -- like that -- why are so many people against him? -- and against his political party? It's our party too -- isn't it? -- All parties -- their basic aim, agenda is to make India...a great country...a great civilization again -- I believe that Shri Rahul Ji is also doing the same thing.....THEN WHO's making us FIGHT? Who? Think about it -- who'll gain the most when we fight amongst ourselves..Our neighbors..TWO hostile neighbors -- Mind you. -- One is more EVIL than the other -- Proxy War in Kashmir? -- Khalistan Problem? Who's conspiring against us? Think about it --- This Naxal problem? Who's giving 'em arms, ammo and money? Who? 

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