Interview #6 with Muslim Exorcist
Interview No. 6
Location: Naseem, Riyaadh
Date: 12/6/1988
Name: Muhammad al-Funaytil al-‘Unayzee
Age: 28
Place of Birth: Riyaadh
Nationality: Saudi
Education: Primary school and religious studies in the masjid.
Do you use any other means in your treatment besides Qur’ânic recitation and pressing the veins of the throat?
A. I do not flog. I have never beaten anyone except in one case in which the person was possessed by a disbelieving jinnee which refused to communicate. It remained camouflaged. So I hit the person three times with my hand, and the jinnee began to talk, revealing things about itself. After reciting over a person and determining what his condition is, I recite over a bottle of olive oil or water the mu‘awwidhaat, Aayah al-Kursee, Soorah al-Ikhlaas, the last verses of Soorah al-Hashr (59:21-24) and verse 54 of Soorah al-A‘raaf. Then I blow over the oil or water and say, “Bismillaahi alladhee laa yadurru ma‘asmihee shay’un.” (“In the name of Allaah, with whose name nothing is harmed.”)[2] Sometimes circumstances occur when it is necessary to threaten the jinn. If there is a disbelieving jinnee who refuses to leave, I tell it that I will tie the person’s fingers and toes and then burn it. This has an effect because when the fingers and toes are tied, the jinn cannot exist. And if the Qur’aan is recited continuously over them, the jinn will be burned up inside of the person, which may even kill the person. So, you cannot continue to read over them if you tie their fingers and toes. In any case, I only use this as a threat.
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