That wasn't serendipity. That's destiny. My mother wasn't there anymore. It's stark, pitch-dark. Colossal, abysmal despair. Then, I found her: My Lightning Bug. -- For my Print and E-books: Go here, please: Here's my E-mail address:
Monday, December 25, 2023
Thursday, October 19, 2023
"If you can't treat someone with dignity and respect, get out," he said Thursday as audience members looked on with rapt attention.
Air Force Academy Lt. General Jay Silveria delivers powerful speech on race after slurs found in dorms.
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
A powwow: Sugar and I :-)
Dictionaries are giving me a very feeble meaning of (ideological) soulmate! LOL ROFL -- I just imagine bumping into her -- and my knees begin to buckle -- I know I'd just stand there dumbfounded -- Unable to utter a single word...But here's a seriocomical dialog(s) between Duckling and me:
Hello! Miss ABC!
Hello! Mister Blah-blah-blah!
<She thinks I'm mousy and docile!>
Er-Ahem-Tooke eh? Miss? John Something yeah yeah that English political radical and philologist? Yeah yeah, I've read him: The Diversions of Purley!
<White lie!>
I've read about Anthropomorphism too!
Excuse me!
Nothing Miss...most unkindest cut of all...You too, Brutus?
Excuse me! Are you alright?
Yeah yeah Miss...I was just quoting: Shakespeare!
Oh okay
You're fairly well-read huh?
Oh, I just try Miss
So, who's your favorite author?
You, miss!
Yep, miss!
I've browsed through your Blog quite a few've eclectic interests!
<OMG! Don't say sounds so foppish!>
Thank you so much, Miss
So you're THE Hunchbacked Whirling Dervish huh?
I've a dervish-like temperament, Miss!
To be continued...
Monday, August 21, 2023
Like Doctors Without Borders, I love people irrespective of (their) race, religion, gender, or political affiliation. -- I'm pretty comfy amongst people who are below the poverty line -- The underprivileged. -- I don't know any who's who -- in the first place -- And I don't hobnob with 'em either -- I mean: rich and powerful people -- I'm not into social climbing -- even when I was in Abu Dhabi -- Believe me -- You know folks: Sometimes I think my idealism is pseudo -- Nevertheless, I love this girl to bits -- And I wanna marry her -- in spite of -- inevitable hurdles! -- Wish she'd write back to me -- It's been seven years or so -- And I've been waiting..... To be continued...
Saturday, August 19, 2023
The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Andersen -- You know folks though I love it but I don't want her to read such stories -- tearjerkers -- I'd urge her to read something funny instead. For instance: Paul Jennings' Thirteen Unpredictable Tales -- Paul's stories are funny, weird and wacky with surprising endings -- Any type of fiction with multiple endings -- The Lady, or the Tiger? by Frank R. Stockton -- Or epistolary novels like Daddy-Long-Legs -- That's my favorite -- I love writing letters to her; and I want her to write back to me.
Friday, August 18, 2023
I wanna write a libretto for her like Vikram Seth -- though I don't know anything about operas and all that -- or a travelog just for her -- Has she read: From Heaven Lake? But I'm not a jet-set traveller or a globe-trotter either -- I'm barely above the poverty line -- she's a writer par excellence -- I'm a wannabe Colin De Silva -- By the way: Does she love Historical Fiction like me? The first book I wanna give to her is: The Founts of Sinhala. -- Wish I were well-read like her -- or had a milieu like her -- I'm a mediocrist -- a nobody -- a functionally illiterate Blogger. -- Nevertheless, I just love writing to her -- writing about her. My most favorite fantasy is to take her on a flying date -- in a Cessna -- but that means soloing: Hello! Miss ABC. It's me, Richard Bach's fair-haired boy Mister Blah-blah-blah! I'm a barnstormer. Would you like to go for a ride eh? LOL ROFL Someday: I'd get my wings! To be continued....
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Stream of consciousness: Duckling and I :-)
Stream of consciousness
Writing about her isn't an easy task -- Existing words are not really succinct -- I need new words -- But there're no new words -- Unless someone coins 'em -- Who's gonna coin 'em? -- Nobody! -- Duh! obviously I'll have to coin (new) words -- For her -- Maybe just one word -- That portrays her completely -- That tells her everything I wanna tell her eh? -- Would I be able to coin such a word? -- I'd have to come up with its meaning too, right? duh! -- I'm going bonkers with bewilderment LOL ROFL -- Am I being incoherent? -- Not making sense? -- Let's say: I just wanna tell her that I love her very much; and I wanna spend the rest of my life with her -- but this is very trite and hackneyed -- I want something you know pathbreaking -- something unprecedented -- and, one more thing: It'd sound plausible too! -- She's a Psychologist: Professionally speaking -- If I tell her that magic is real; and I'm an occultist -- She'd surely brush me off -- It's to be logical -- rational -- I think she's a staunch skeptic unless proven otherwise! LOL ROFL -- But she'd be willing to listen to me if I tell her that I study: The paranormal i.e. all the things that are impossible to explain by known natural forces or by science.
Hello, Duckling! My name is Mister Blah-blah-blah and I study The paranormal! :-)
How do you do?
Duckling: Hello! Mister Blah-blah-blah! But we're not meeting for the first time!
Me: (Completely nonplussed by the question!)
Me: Oh I'm such a schnook!
Duckling: Excuse me?
Me: Nothing. Never mind...Miss ABC! :-)
Me: BTW, Miss ABC: What're you doing these days eh?
Duckling: Oh I'm researching and filming a documentary on schizophrenics! What about you?
Me: know...helping The underprivileged..
Duckling: Oh that sounds great!
To be continued.... :-)