Sunday, July 30, 2023

12918: Ways or treating magic / How to Get Rid of Sihr: Reciting the Quran, for it has a great effect in removing (the effects of) sihr. Ayat al-Kursiy, the verses of sihr from Surat al-A’raf, Surat Yunus and Surat Ta-Ha, Surat al-Kafirun, Surat al-Ikhlas and al-Mu’awwidhatayn should be recited over the person who has been affected by sihr , or into a vessel. Du’a should be made for healing and good health; in particular the du’a which has been narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Allahumma Rabb al-Nas, adhhib al-bas washfi, anta al-Shafiy, la shifa a illa shifa uka, shifa an la yughadiru saqaman (O Allah, Lord of mankind, remove the evil and grant healing, for You are the Healer. There is no healing except Your healing, which does not leave any sickness).” One may also recite the words used by Jibril (peace be upon him) when he treated the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with ruqyah: “Bismillah urqik, min kulli shay in yu dhik, wa min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin hasidin Allah yashfik, bismillah urqik (In the name of Allah I perform ruqyah for you, from everything that is harming you, from the evil of every soul or envious eye may Allah heal you, in the name of Allah I perform ruqyah for you).” This should be repeated three times, as should the recitation of “Qul Huwa Allah Ahad ” and al-Mu’awwidhatayn.

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