Thursday, March 23, 2017

conch? Yep. You so twisted -- Shoo! Wild-Real-Blondes-Yell-Violently! -- mnemonic color code! LOL Gosh! What on earth is that huh? Jargon huh? You're diabolic beyond rehabilitation - leave me alone! Wind instrument? I don't think you'd call it Snake Charmers' Blah-Blah-Blah? What's the word for it ehhh? Look it up -- Just the same as always Mister Cheat Sheet! . . . . Say your word for it, then you buffoon. Er I dunno. Bye. Novajo Whatever. Okay, wait. Then countdown started LOL LOL Game over! Wait. No. Zilch! Me? Then who else! Sulk like a @#$@%@%@ LOL LOL Holmesian Logic! Science of Deduction! You're so pompous! Nope, Game Extended. Just activated: Ankle Bracelet. It's tamper-proof for real -- this time, Got it, Mister Hackkk er ahem drat Ethical Hacker The Alpha Geek. Stay away from me: 10k miles radius. You going to High-Sec-Prison -- otherwise, Mister InfoSEC Guru! Gee! Yeah, yeah -- Wild Goose Chase! LOL Idiot! Shoo! Blinking in disbelief at her! LOL Mentor! Mentor! . . . . To Be Continued . . . . Mentor: Laughing. Follow proper channels Mister Dervish. ArchAngel. You can't circumvent Celestial Hierarchy -- Just The Same As Always -- Red Tap-ism yeah right stuff LOL Dervish: Laughing. Mentor: Laughing: All Members of Celestial Hierarchy Laughing. ArchAngel: Laughing. Miss Spoc-y Ears: . . . . Why the hell I'm laughing? LOL

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