Sunday, February 26, 2017

Chess REinvented: That's NOT Chess. I'm POsitive. That looks like Chinese Chukkers Nope Wait Ladders and Snakes. Yep! Yeah. With a PonyTail Polo Pony Twist Dracobnian Horse Riding Aid Boots Chaps Breeches Breaches Firewall Goal POsts We Play chess on Snakes and Ladders Board. Dial HUNDRED STOP READING Hindi Upanyaas Vedh Prakash Sharma Delirium Incoherent Drug Ause Abuse Foot Loose That's all. Zero Hour After Dark Screen Blanker Daisay Daiszy Give me Your Asnwer Do I am half crazEE all for the love of you it wont be a stylish marriage i wont afford and carriage bicyle built for do all that suff snuff stuff...shells...bye for now...comrades dervish bridge brigade pull

In the New ChessBoard: 72 Squares

Eight 8 Rooks

1 One Night

16 SixTEEN Queens

Four 4 Pawns

King is Arbitrary. Anarchy Rules.

Bishops eh? What's that huh? No Daemons around. No Chess Game ! Eureka! I found what and how and why of ET? DEmonic Posession.

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