Thursday, July 21, 2016

Monologue of A Whirling Dervish . . . .

The Hunchbacked Dervish prayed and slept
He hardly forgets to fold the corner of his prayer rug
Doesnt know if it is superstition or lore
But he remembers vividly what his mother told
That would keep the devil at bay
Otherwise he would come and pray.

Some hand down Ancestral Ritual

Eerie dreams
Glad it is still dark
He should be able to finish this Blog Post
Before dawn.

People who wear crown
Self–conscious and Brown
Crow in a Medieval Town
Look Prince My Intuition got back strong.

You Dejected Despised
Listen to this Wise
He is brokenhearted Weary
The Spirit did not Descend
He should hurry
Pray and do penance.

On second thoughts
You would not be able to place his face and accent
He is not one
No solo officer
They are more
One is four

Dragons lair
Bangles Fair
Off The Air
Same rut
Botanical garden
Chestnut fossil
He cant tell
He is a layman
Have Mercy
Show some professional courtesy
Soil till
Royal mints mill

Dervishs trance is like blaze
Audacious and Ire
Warhorses tenacity

A starlet and a group of military brass
Looks like Turkishs flock
Stalwart waiters serving Black tea in the Restricted Officers Block
The Key to its locks is in
The Last of the Mohicans Last Part
The Secret Chants of Open Sesame
Morgiana lives in a hilltop mansion
Dont be startled
It has Two Rooftop helipads
They asked for Five Million Ransom
The Kid is Safe
He is in the Garrison
Just busted a racket of extortion
The kingpin is lying dead near the fountain.

Low–keyed celebration
Recall movie: Who says Stand Down Soldier.
Hint. Hint.
Razor-sharp mind
God willing an undebatable irrefutable find.

Barbed wires
Gun muzzles
And, forest fires
He has a history of arson.

Greenwich time
Scene of crime
Dummy or Dime
Teetotalers bottle of old wine

It is near dawn
The city is waking up
He hears faint beeps and horns
Trucks passing
Luckily no Unmanned Railway Crossing
Probably driven by drunk brute middle age men in untidy undershirts.

A death warrant
Parrot and tyrant
Masons uncanny knowledge of forts passageway

Snitch on scooter
A little droop
Hiding the loot.

He is Master of Masquerading
Many Voices
Many Faces
Shoes with no laces.

Rainbow colors have connotations
A band of diversity
Skywriting of prophecies
Himalayan Sages in unperturbed ecstasy.

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