Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hell and Heaven

Maybe..Probably..Hell and Heaven are just metaphors and similes....Cycle Of Birth and Hinduism and Buddhism....This place itself is hell...This place itself is you're're in ethereal form..not human or animal form..not sure about animal forms...Prophets doesn't have God-like Powers....They'd pray for and against someone or a group....but eventually God's decree is the deciding factor...In The Ultimate Analysis...For instance: God didn't want Telugu Warriors to Win...I feel humiliated..My girl..How'd I go and tell her that I'm a Prophet..when even a simple wish (of mine) couldn't come true....But Prophet-ship is more about losing than winning...A Prophet is a quite a common man....He doesn't win...He's quite poor....He's dreams...and fantasies....He's in love with a celebrity....He is a mirror image of the common man....Prateeka Ji..Please tell our people not to expect miracles from me....In this era..Miracles don't happen....I've to follow a protocol...a certain set of rules....I'd pray..IF God accepts my prayers..than..things would happen..not miraculously but in the ACCEPTED the worldly-fashion....I'd pray..I mean...That might happen over-night..or would take ages...It's up-to God..The Almighty God..Our Lord..One God....I might disappoint you and our people...but don't lose hope..God doesn't do that..NEVER....Shiv (Ji) is the Name of Our God..One God..Our Lord..It's his most 'wrathful' Avatar....If you pray to Shiv (Ji) and INVOKE his WRATH...your ENEMIES will be PULVERIZED...Something more terrible and horrible..than..trillions of Nuclear bomb explosions..

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