Hacking contests are appetizers...
Team up with fellow Ethical Hackers -- and protect start-ups and individuals particularly women -- from rogue hackers -- voluntarily. You'd easily engage script kiddies -- in the beginning -- and whenever you'd thwart 'em: Have some Pizza; And, of course--Order it online; Garlic bread too, please! :-)
Your war chests aren't your counterstrike / counteroffensive tools -- Your real -- most potent -- arsenal is your mind.
Liaise with White Hat Hackers across India and across the world.
Innate reverence for InfoSec Gurus.
Don't provoke me to come out of retirement -- My formidability is still uncontestable -- Okay, okay -- just kidding! -- Please don't hack my Linux box! :-)
And, no DDoS attacks, either! :-)
I'm fortyish -- retiree -- not even newbies dread me -- now.
Spread out your digital tentacles -- devour those slimy worms.
I'm from the old school -- I staunchly advocate social engineering -- snake charmers and con artists have been swindling us since the Dark Ages -- Charles Sobhraj is an avant-garde social engineer -- Three-tier security cordon: Digital fortress? Sob stories -- Human interest story -- Believe me: Machines are immune but you'd always NLP humans -- They're gullible -- Get your CEO's permission and evaluate your org's security -- You'd be able to breach it.
I'd give you a hint: Order a veggie Pizza for your admin -- And, some PlayStation games for his kid. :-)
That's all for now.
Here's my address:
Team up with fellow Ethical Hackers -- and protect start-ups and individuals particularly women -- from rogue hackers -- voluntarily. You'd easily engage script kiddies -- in the beginning -- and whenever you'd thwart 'em: Have some Pizza; And, of course--Order it online; Garlic bread too, please! :-)
Your war chests aren't your counterstrike / counteroffensive tools -- Your real -- most potent -- arsenal is your mind.
Liaise with White Hat Hackers across India and across the world.
Innate reverence for InfoSec Gurus.
Don't provoke me to come out of retirement -- My formidability is still uncontestable -- Okay, okay -- just kidding! -- Please don't hack my Linux box! :-)
And, no DDoS attacks, either! :-)
I'm fortyish -- retiree -- not even newbies dread me -- now.
Spread out your digital tentacles -- devour those slimy worms.
I'm from the old school -- I staunchly advocate social engineering -- snake charmers and con artists have been swindling us since the Dark Ages -- Charles Sobhraj is an avant-garde social engineer -- Three-tier security cordon: Digital fortress? Sob stories -- Human interest story -- Believe me: Machines are immune but you'd always NLP humans -- They're gullible -- Get your CEO's permission and evaluate your org's security -- You'd be able to breach it.
I'd give you a hint: Order a veggie Pizza for your admin -- And, some PlayStation games for his kid. :-)
That's all for now.
Here's my address:
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