Sunday, September 15, 2013

Why Bad Things Happen To Bad People?

You must be honest with yourself. You must accept the wrong you've done. The society gives you the benefit of the doubt. The society doesn't persecute you -- right way. You're always given a chance to rehabilitate yourself. You just can't be rebellious -- when you're in the wrong. Denial doesn't really help. Penance does. That's how you'd undo... Assimilation is possible IF you're sincerely regretful. Movies mislead you. Movies portray / depict -- misdefine the society as some monstrous adversary -- out for your blood. That's NOT true. That's an outright misperception. That's serious paranoia.

I was a zealous moviegoer -- Movies had a bad influence on me. Warped my thinking.

Peers victimized me.

I was a good kid--otherwise. I'd say: A jolly boy. Obedient. Shyer. Gullible. Was okay--NOT--very bright or studious.

You know when you're off course. Your conscience NEVER sleeps. It goads you into amending...

I try to be your lighthouseman -- I write these autobiographical posts -- I try to give you -- Generation Z -- sort of a compass... Watch out for choppy waters -- I don't want you to get shipwrecked like me.

That's all for now.


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