Monday, September 9, 2013

Fifteen minutes of fame...

A second-grader would put me to shame -- I really can't write anything substantial -- I just do sort of parrotry -- My writing mightn't be plain plagiarism but it's not novelistic -- either. It's hand-me-down writing. It's verbose. I'd -- of course -- NEVER mirror -- ingenuity of Mister Vikram Seth or Mister Richard Bach. That's unthinkable. 

Nevertheless, Mrs. Iram Fatima 'Ashi' -- Managing Editor -- of Reflection magazine nods her approval -- and -- hey presto -- my article gets published -- And, I'm in the spotlight -- momentarily -- short-lived popularity -- of course -- I'd NEVER be popular like some--ahem--celebrity radio disc jockeys! :-)

I'm publicity-shy -- My writing is basically a worm's eye view. Probably--that's why--I don't have zealous followers on Facebook! :-)

Objectivity gets blurred in my pedantism -- in my amateurism -- What I try to get across is that -- Young women and men: You'd make your parents -- and your country proud... Absolutely no regrets. Steadfastness. Integrity. If my writing urges you to--even--inch ahead--then I'm a successful writer.

Keying in...

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