Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fundamental law(s) of life...

I'd tell you one thing: Fundamental law of life – Just be peerless in whatever you do – Do it with fiery, unprecedented zealousness -- Your pursuits must NEVER be trivial – Your objectives must've immense intellectual and moral depth... -- For instance: Gandhi Ji NEVER aspired to be reveredHis endeavors had plausible divinity...
You might become a zillionaire – or achieve celebrity status -- et cetera. Those're by-products of untiring toil. Winning accolades must NEVER be your aspiration.

Media thrusts mediocrity upon you... -- Society puts / places you in a virtual straitjacket of mundanity -- -- wriggle yourself out of it... -- so-and-so diva would endorse an unrequired product – a funky smartphone, for instance. If you'd code an open source App for BlackBerry, for example – then you haven't been a victim of consumerism.

Be obstinate in a positive way....

You'd definitely marry your soul mate – If you've ideological edge over... – Your loftiness of character makes you distinguishable. Love is a life-giving and sacred emotion – but you've to be pragmatic...

Graduating with a degree in something ridiculously unchallenging -- Shoddy and unpromising grades – That's not real education -- One more thing: You mustn't have test anxiety or exam phobia Quite the contrary, you'd incite the examiner to make the tests more tougher – You'd mock their intellectual inadequacies... stage a walkout to protest – showdown with your professors – Let 'em realize that the exam paper is a cinch...

For instance: If you're phobic about Ethical Hacking – then get obsessed with it. Do it twenty-four-seven. Believe me: Someday, you'd make even the most ferocious and dreaded Ethical Hacker --babysit your toddler! :-)

That's all for now.

Go back to your computers.


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