Monday, August 19, 2013

RJ Prateeka: A girl from Star Trek...

Is she a moody Net surfer
Could she tell offhand -- What's our latest orbiter.

Why RED FM's Web Site is such a slacker
How much do they get -- manual laborers.

Why is it costlier -- intellectual labor
Does she buy veggies from a vendor.

Does she have a palindromic PIN of her computerized cash dispenser
Does she feel like jabbing a queue-jumper.

Could she write 'ventriloquist' in reverse order
Why does she loathe smokers.

Do gray-haired -- old-timers look nerdy in jazzy suspenders
Has she seen The Elephant Man and Band of Brothers.

Has she read Richard Bach -- Would she love to be a barnstormer
Could she reprogram a Satellite Telly Receiver.

Do RED FM people carry Star Trek-like beepers and pagers
Do they also have something for teleportation -- a transporter.

Has she read the story of The Honest Woodcutter
Has she ever been to a faith healer.

We're birds of a feather
Both of us are rhymesters.

Has she read Daddy Long-Legs by Jean Webster
Does she look up words in Merriam-Webster.

She's already assertive -- she doesn't have to read Pulling Your Own Strings by Wayne W. Dyer
As a collegianer -- Has she read subliterature / pulp literature.

To be continued...

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