Sunday, August 18, 2013

RJ Prateeka: Intergalactic traveler...

Is she a seafarer
Is she a wayfarer.

She counsels like my shrink -- she's natural -- she's Miss motivator
She's Brobdingnagian personality traits -- She's like a New Yorker -- A conjurer.

She'd start writing -- She'd be a Blogger
I'm dying to be her ghost writer.

In school -- were she a troublemaker
Could she outsmart a lie detector.

Is she intergalactic (space) traveler
Does she have an e-book reader.

She's a riddler
I'm obstinately inquisitive -- What's her pet peeve -- What's her bugbear.

How long does she take to crack a typical brain-teaser
Is she a diarist -- She'd try and add more Urdu/Hindi songs in her playlist -- something that'd turn us into tap-dancers.

Who's her favorite author
What does her car meter read -- Could she tell offhand -- What does it say -- her car's mileage indicator.

Is she a number-cruncher
Is she a good baby-sitter.

What does she think of Ethical Hackers
What's her favorite animal cracker.

Does she gift kids sparklers
Could she compute decibel level of a firecracker.

Does she like chandeliers
Does she donate twenty-five percent of her pay check to a beggar.

She's a juggler
She's a multitasker.

For sharp five minutes -- Could she be a mahout of a tusker
For just a day -- Could she be a herder.

Did she ever fiddle with a Ouija board -- Does she believe in the paranormal and ghostbusters
Is she skeptical of levitation -- Who's her astrologer.

To be continued...

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