Phoning RJ Prateeka is like going under the knife. And, she's an unmerciful -- razor-sharp scalpel. And, she won't give you anesthesia! She's cold-blooded. And, it's a cinch for her to monopolize the entire conversation. She'd zap you! She'd nuke you! She'd turn even the most suave man into a mousy little thing -- in a nanosecond. She slays your spunk! Your mettle is blitzed in a microsecond! You're obliterated. I'm a weak-kneed person -- Just listening to her radio phone-in program makes me absolutely petrified -- I look like a holocaust survivor while listening to her program. -- I swear she's the reincarnation of the intrepid Alexander Selkirk -- She must've survived a shipwreck -- got stranded on an island swarming with man-eaters and tribe of cannibals -- bloodthirsty mongrels and hyenas -- She came out of all this unscathed! -- She's an avant-garde spellbinder -- Her sense of humor is wacky -- lethal -- She'd slaughter you -- and you can't even bleat. -- I'd ring her up someday -- if I opt for assisted suicide -- Nevertheless, she makes me laugh. Her voice has this life-giving element of a demigoddess. She's an awe-inspiring skill to conjure up poems -- God bless her.
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