Saturday, September 8, 2007

Pseudo, Hypocrite Muslim Girls: QUIT your job!

Praise be to Allaah.


It is clear from your question that you work in a place where there is mixing with men. Mixing leads to many evils and things that are forbidden, as is clear to anyone who has insight. Please see question no. 1200 for the evidence that mixing is haraam.

Trustworthy scholars have issued fatwas ruling that it is haraam to work in mixed environments, such as the statement in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (12/156): Mixing between men and women in schools and elsewhere is a great evil which has a serious impact on one's religious commitment and worldly interests. It is not permissible for a woman to study or work in a place where there is mixing between men and women, and it is not permissible for her guardian to give her permission to do that. End quote.

Please see question no. 6666: Should she carry on working in a job where she mixes with men?

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