Saturday, September 8, 2007


pro•mis•cu•ousPronunciation: (pru-mis'kyOO-us), [key] —adj. 1. characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, esp. having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis. 2. consisting of parts, elements, or individuals of different kinds brought together without order. 3. indiscriminate; without discrimination. 4. casual; irregular; haphazard.

Main Entry: pro·mis·cu·ous Pronunciation: pr&-'mis-ky&-w&sFunction: adjectiveEtymology: Latin promiscuus, from pro- forth + miscEre to mix -- more at PRO-, MIX1 : composed of all sorts of persons or things2 : not restricted to one class, sort, or person : INDISCRIMINATE 3 : not restricted to one sexual partner4 : CASUAL, IRREGULAR - pro·mis·cu·ous·ly adverb - pro·mis·cu·ous·ness noun

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