Main Entry: 2seesawFunction: verbintransitive verb1 a : to move backward and forward or up and down b : to play at seesaw2 : ALTERNATE
Pronunciation: (sē'sô"), [key] —n. 1. a recreation in which two children alternately ride up and down while seated at opposite ends of a plank balanced at the middle. 2. a plank or apparatus for this recreation. 3. an up-and-down or a back-and-forth movement or procedure. 4. Whist.a crossruff.
—adj. moving up and down, back and forth, or alternately ahead and behind: It was a seesaw game with the lead changing hands many times.
—v.i. 1. to move in a seesaw manner: The boat seesawed in the heavy sea. 2. to ride or play on a seesaw. 3. to keep changing one's decision, opinion, or attitude; vacillate.
—v.t. to cause to move in a seesaw manner.
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