That wasn't serendipity. That's destiny. My mother wasn't there anymore. It's stark, pitch-dark. Colossal, abysmal despair. Then, I found her: My Lightning Bug. -- For my Print and E-books: Go here, please: Here's my E-mail address:
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
A powwow: Sugar and I :-)
Dictionaries are giving me a very feeble meaning of (ideological) soulmate! LOL ROFL -- I just imagine bumping into her -- and my knees begin to buckle -- I know I'd just stand there dumbfounded -- Unable to utter a single word...But here's a seriocomical dialog(s) between Duckling and me:
Hello! Miss ABC!
Hello! Mister Blah-blah-blah!
<She thinks I'm mousy and docile!>
Er-Ahem-Tooke eh? Miss? John Something yeah yeah that English political radical and philologist? Yeah yeah, I've read him: The Diversions of Purley!
<White lie!>
I've read about Anthropomorphism too!
Excuse me!
Nothing Miss...most unkindest cut of all...You too, Brutus?
Excuse me! Are you alright?
Yeah yeah Miss...I was just quoting: Shakespeare!
Oh okay
You're fairly well-read huh?
Oh, I just try Miss
So, who's your favorite author?
You, miss!
Yep, miss!
I've browsed through your Blog quite a few've eclectic interests!
<OMG! Don't say sounds so foppish!>
Thank you so much, Miss
So you're THE Hunchbacked Whirling Dervish huh?
I've a dervish-like temperament, Miss!
To be continued...
Monday, August 21, 2023
Like Doctors Without Borders, I love people irrespective of (their) race, religion, gender, or political affiliation. -- I'm pretty comfy amongst people who are below the poverty line -- The underprivileged. -- I don't know any who's who -- in the first place -- And I don't hobnob with 'em either -- I mean: rich and powerful people -- I'm not into social climbing -- even when I was in Abu Dhabi -- Believe me -- You know folks: Sometimes I think my idealism is pseudo -- Nevertheless, I love this girl to bits -- And I wanna marry her -- in spite of -- inevitable hurdles! -- Wish she'd write back to me -- It's been seven years or so -- And I've been waiting..... To be continued...
Saturday, August 19, 2023
The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Andersen -- You know folks though I love it but I don't want her to read such stories -- tearjerkers -- I'd urge her to read something funny instead. For instance: Paul Jennings' Thirteen Unpredictable Tales -- Paul's stories are funny, weird and wacky with surprising endings -- Any type of fiction with multiple endings -- The Lady, or the Tiger? by Frank R. Stockton -- Or epistolary novels like Daddy-Long-Legs -- That's my favorite -- I love writing letters to her; and I want her to write back to me.
Friday, August 18, 2023
I wanna write a libretto for her like Vikram Seth -- though I don't know anything about operas and all that -- or a travelog just for her -- Has she read: From Heaven Lake? But I'm not a jet-set traveller or a globe-trotter either -- I'm barely above the poverty line -- she's a writer par excellence -- I'm a wannabe Colin De Silva -- By the way: Does she love Historical Fiction like me? The first book I wanna give to her is: The Founts of Sinhala. -- Wish I were well-read like her -- or had a milieu like her -- I'm a mediocrist -- a nobody -- a functionally illiterate Blogger. -- Nevertheless, I just love writing to her -- writing about her. My most favorite fantasy is to take her on a flying date -- in a Cessna -- but that means soloing: Hello! Miss ABC. It's me, Richard Bach's fair-haired boy Mister Blah-blah-blah! I'm a barnstormer. Would you like to go for a ride eh? LOL ROFL Someday: I'd get my wings! To be continued....
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Stream of consciousness: Duckling and I :-)
Stream of consciousness
Writing about her isn't an easy task -- Existing words are not really succinct -- I need new words -- But there're no new words -- Unless someone coins 'em -- Who's gonna coin 'em? -- Nobody! -- Duh! obviously I'll have to coin (new) words -- For her -- Maybe just one word -- That portrays her completely -- That tells her everything I wanna tell her eh? -- Would I be able to coin such a word? -- I'd have to come up with its meaning too, right? duh! -- I'm going bonkers with bewilderment LOL ROFL -- Am I being incoherent? -- Not making sense? -- Let's say: I just wanna tell her that I love her very much; and I wanna spend the rest of my life with her -- but this is very trite and hackneyed -- I want something you know pathbreaking -- something unprecedented -- and, one more thing: It'd sound plausible too! -- She's a Psychologist: Professionally speaking -- If I tell her that magic is real; and I'm an occultist -- She'd surely brush me off -- It's to be logical -- rational -- I think she's a staunch skeptic unless proven otherwise! LOL ROFL -- But she'd be willing to listen to me if I tell her that I study: The paranormal i.e. all the things that are impossible to explain by known natural forces or by science.
Hello, Duckling! My name is Mister Blah-blah-blah and I study The paranormal! :-)
How do you do?
Duckling: Hello! Mister Blah-blah-blah! But we're not meeting for the first time!
Me: (Completely nonplussed by the question!)
Me: Oh I'm such a schnook!
Duckling: Excuse me?
Me: Nothing. Never mind...Miss ABC! :-)
Me: BTW, Miss ABC: What're you doing these days eh?
Duckling: Oh I'm researching and filming a documentary on schizophrenics! What about you?
Me: know...helping The underprivileged..
Duckling: Oh that sounds great!
To be continued.... :-)